Cerezos en flor / Cherry Blossoms. 2024. 30 x 26 x 8.5 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.
Un cariño liviano y certero. 2024. Tulle, metal lattice, wood, felt. 29 x 26 x 8.5 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.
Gratefully Untamed. 2024. Tulle, metal lattice, wood, felt. 40 x 35 x 16 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.
Freshly Harvested Oddness. 2024. Tulle, metal lattice, wood, felt. 35 x 33 x 18 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.
Principio del misterio / The Beginning of Mystery. 2024. Tulle, metal lattice, wood, felt. 12.5 x 9 x 4.5 inches. Photo Wes Magyar
El precioso espacio de lo posible / The Precious Space of Possibility. 2024. Tulle, metal lattice, wood, felt. 27.5 x 26 x 8 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.
La nada y el todo / Nothing and Everything. 2024. Tulle, metal lattice, wood, felt. 12.5 x 10 x 4.5 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.
La llegada del azul / The Arrival of Blue. 2024. Tulle, metal lattice, wood, felt. 26.5 x 22.5 x 6 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.
Nada de tu oscuridad aquí / None of Your Darkness Here. 2024. Tulle, metal lattice, wood, felt. 26 x 27 x 8 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.
En compañía de mi mamá / In the Company of my Mom. 2024. Tulle. 27 x 27 x 8 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.Ocho de la mañana / Eight A.M. 2024. Tulle. 26 x 23 x 6 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.Cada espacio era un jardín botánico / Each Space Was a Botanic Garden. 2023. Tulle. 9 x 46 x 7 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.Al Sur del Sur, me convertí en asteroide / To the South of the South, I Changed into an Asteroid. 2023. Tulle. 26 x 21.5 x 7 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.Purple and Full of Hope. 2023. Tulle. 17 x 15 x 8 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.Evening Jewels. 2022. Tulle. 17 x 15 x 5.5 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.A Few Scattered Feelings Have Fallen. 2022. Tulle. 16.5 x 13.5 x 6 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.Cada bocado es un encuentro en medio de la tormenta // Each Bite is an Encounter in the Center of the Storm. 2023. Tulle. 17.5 x 15 x 6.5 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.Una pequeña inmensidad / A Small Immensity. 2024. Tulle 14 x 11.5 x 5 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.El mar enamorado de la noche / The Sea in Love with the Night. 2022. Tulle. 52 x 28 x 8 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.El retumbe / The Rumble. 2022. Tulle. 32 x 29 x 11 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.Full. 2022. Tulle. 27 x 25 x 8 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.El bosque stelar / The Stellar Forest. 2023. Tulle. 22 x 19 x 8 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.Volar y aterrizar sobre hojas de eucalipto / To Fly and Land on Eucalyptus Leaves. 2023. Tulle. 60 x 42 x 11 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.Un sinfín de veranos por venir. 2023. Tulle. 27 x 24.5 x 8 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.Recibo la hora vespertina / The Vespertine Hour Comes to Me. 2022. Tulle. 28 x 28 x 10 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.A Forest on the Other Side. 2022. Tulle. 29 x 29 x 10 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.Un saludo para los pájaros / Welcoming Birds. 2022. Tulle. 29 x 34 x 19 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.Cielito / Little Sky. 2022. Tulle. 30 x 27 x 8 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.Pedazo de mar y cielo, I / A Piece of Sea and of Sky, I. 2022. Tulle. 26 x 23 x 6 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.Pedazo de mar y cielo, II / A Piece of Sea and of Sky, II. 2023. Tulle. 26 x 23 x 6.5 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.Cuando bailamos, III / When We Dance, III. 2023. Tulle. 35 x 24.5 x 12.5 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.Y se dejó llenar de alegría / She Let Herself Fill with Joy. 2023. Tulle. 42 x 105 x 11 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.Hilvanando los cantos que mi esperanza necesita / Basting the Songs that My Hope Needs. 2023. Tulle. 15 x 50 x 9.5 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.La llegada / The Arrival. 2023. Tulle. 13 x 47 x 7 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.For All the Spaces in Between. 2022. Tulle. 101 x 38 x 9 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.Liberation. 2022. Tulle. 29 x 29 x 10 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.Radiant Desire. 2023. Tulle. 29 x 26 x 9 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.The Sun is Not a Star, but a Flower — after Dan Beachy-Quick. 2023. Tulle. 29 x 30 x 10.5 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.La flor se comió el sol / The Flower Ate the Sun. 2023. Tulle. 16 x 16 x 7 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.Cuando bailamos, I / When We Dance, I. 2022. Tulle. 33 x 25 x 12 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.Awaken, Aroused and Listening. 2023. Tulle. 16 x 15.5 x 6.5 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.A Beauty of Belonging. 2022. Tulle. 58 x 39 x 7 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.El agua viva / Living Water. 2022. Tulle. 80 x 25 x 7 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.Fuego en el centro de mi esperanza / Fire in the Center of My Hope. 2022. Tulle. 27 x 27 x 8 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.The Rumble of Our Joy Will Not Be Stopped. 2022. Tulle. 28 x 27 x 8 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.Homenaje a la providencia / Homage to Providence. 2024. Tulle, metal lattice, wood, felt. 15.5 x 14 x 6 inches. Photo Wes Magyar.